The past two weeks we have been busy with our Marine Birds and Mammals course here at Friday Harbor. During the first week we went to the whale museum in Friday Harbor town center. We were able to compare a human skeleton to a dolphins, a killer whale, among others. It was a nice way to get out of the classroom and still learn about the skeletal adaptations required of a marine mammal.

Photo Credit Sonia Ahrabi-Nejad
We also went out on the RV Centennial twice to conduct bird and mammal surveys in the San Juan Channel. We then used the data collected to observe patterns of seabird dispersal and abundances. We also rode around on the inner island ferry to conduct additional bird surveys. You can see a group of us on starboard side with our checklist of common seabirds. You can also tell how seriously we take science by the amount of layers worn on this trip.

Photo Credit Lauren McGeorge
Out in Cattle Pass there is a lovely little island where tons (literally) of Steller Sea Lions (Eumetopias jubatus) haul out! Once you take the class you will be able to tell the males from the females, know all about the advantages of having blubber, how they can hear above and below the water, and how they raise their pups.

Photo Credit Lauren McGeorge

Photo Credit Karissa Sciacca
In addition to our boat surveys we went on foot to a few different locations on land to scope out the water, including Cattle Point, Jakle's Lagoon, and Lime Kiln. We used binoculars and mounted scopes to identify the many seabirds flying in the water. We are now able to identify the Rhinoceros Auklet just by their frantic flying. Now we also like seagulls because we can identify the different species!

Photo Credit Bailey Clear
It was a great class because we got to go out to a new location in the field most everyday! It may have been a favorite so far because we got to go on awesome field trips and learn about the mammals! Our whale watching trip was rescheduled due to inclement weather, but this coming weekend I hope that we see Orcinus orca!
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